Monday, March 17, 2014

Blog Post #9

What Can We Learn from Ms. Cassidy?

Ms. Cassidy uses every piece of technology and tool that she can to get her 2nd graders to learn more actively and eagerly. She uses tools such as blogs, wikis, Skype, a class webpage, and even a Nintendo DS. They played a role playing game where a group had to share and take care of a virtual pet. The students are also actively involved in the production of their videos. They can be seen holding the camera and also they are the stars as well. I like the idea of a secure class webpage for safe searching and links. I also plan to utilize blogs and Skype in my own classroom some day. One drawback I can think of is the use of the Nintendo in a 2nd grade class. These students shown seem to handle the responsibility very well, but other children this age may not be able to handle it yet. It could end up being a distraction instead of a tool. However, I would make it clear that the use of it was a privilege and if it was abused, the Nintendo would be taken up and the whole class would be penalized.

Nintendo DS
I feel that using these techniques would be a great way to get students more engaged and responsible for their own work. This would also get them to take more pride in it as well.


  1. I really liked the idea of using the Nintendo DS as a teaching tool because it is a good way to keep the student's interest, but at the same time I agree that it might easily become a distraction.

  2. "... and tolls that she can to get her 2nd graders…" Tools instead of tolls?

    Thoughtful. Interesting.

  3. I also agree with the Nintendo DS being either a tool or a distraction. But every tool that we will use either iPads, laptops, they will all be either great tools or great distractions. But I like what you said about them being a privilege and that they shouldn't abuse it or they will lost it.
