Friday, January 17, 2014

Blog Post 1

The first time I heard anything about EDM 310 was while I was meeting with my adviser to plan out my classes at South. He didn't tell me anything scary about it but just to be prepared for the workload and not to pair it with another difficult course. I heard other things here and there in my previous education classes but nothing to deter me from taking EDM 310 this semester. Considering that I had not heard too much about the course I did not have any fears about it, but rather looked forward to the opportunity to learn some new things. The first day of class I was a little intimidated at first, but once I got the hang of it, I was comfortable.

Judging by the first two days, EDM 310 is very different from any other courses I have taken in the past. The most difficult thing for me in this class will be my time management. While not terrible, it definitely needs some work. I just need to plan out my time wisely and not allow myself to get behind at all. I will add important due dates to my calendar and stay on top of all assignments.

cartoon calendar


  1. Manage your time well and you should be OK.

  2. The first day of class was intimidating for me as well. I had to sit down with my planner and make a schedule of when I am going to do what, and then I felt so much better. I make it a point to get on my gmail, google docs, and look at the check list at least once a day just to make sure I am on schedule. I try to get everything done early to make sure I am not rushing at the last minute. We all just have to make it a priority to do something in this class on a daily basis.

  3. Plan. Allow yourself plenty of time to complete the assignments and projects.

    Utilize the lab as much as possible, we are here to help you!

    Good luck this semester!
